Friday, August 4, 2023

1 Peter 1:3-9

Summary: More church words, let's unscramble them. Peter exclaims praise to God (like a big "Yeah!" that just kind of pops out). He describes his readers' salvation: how they have been set up for eternal life (God sent Jesus, who was raised from the dead, and we have faith in Jesus that He will save us from death), and how we feel about that (even in the face of great trials, having a constant and inexplicable joy, a hope for the future). 

Response: Phew, that was a lot to unpack. And it's about one of my favorite topics, salvation. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful. It's just that I always feel like there's more to do here. Maybe that's a trap set for me. Maybe I'm feeling guilty about wasting time here. Lots of things can be possible at the same time.

All the same, if I do stop long enough to truly think about life after death (and not, y'know, my own schedule, my spouse, my kids, extended family, job, church work, the world around me...), it does sound exciting. I'm not sure what it will look like (and that's okay with me! I don't have to have it all figured out), but I know I'll be with the One who has cared for me this whole time, and that will be more than enough. Lord, help me to catch an eternal perspective, at least from time to time.

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