Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Job 30

Summary: Job continues, contrasting his great old life (rich, powerful, respected, generous) with the lives of those who mock him now (wild, poor, still somehow doing better than him) and his current situation (constant physical pain on top of the spiritual anguish that he feels that God has left him). 

Response: I feel like each run through of his problems is necessary. I don't always feel that way for ancient literature. There were pages of Don Quixote that I just skipped because I didn't want to do sonnets that day. But we see more in Job's character here. There is the slightest hint of entitlement, but no more than you'd normally see in his day. He also has a heap more generosity, and wonders why, similar to a blood bank, he didn't get any back when the tables turned. So I first pray for that kind of generosity, but also the wisdom to know that getting it paid back isn't the point of charity. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Job 29

Sunday: Job (definitely for real life this time) allows himself to reminisce about his old life, which he describes as caring for those below him and gaining respect of those above him. 

Response: So in this small context, Lord, help me to appreciate how blessed I am, but not regard that blessing as my identity. May I find myself in You.