Monday, August 23, 2021

Job 36

Summary: Job's friend Elihu continues his speeches. In this one, his tact is that God gives out bad things to teach lessons to people and give them a chance to turn their life around from bad choices. Elihu tells Job to accept the punishment and turn away from whatever bad thing he's obviously done. 

Response: Far be it from me to be the "OnLy GoD cAn JuDgE mE" crowd, but it's not like we get a chance to really know everything about a person to be able to condemn properly, right? Okay, a different angle. Teachers work with their students in building relational capacity, basically a fancy name for a rapport. If you know me and I know you and you know I care about you, we can do more together. That's why it's so comforting that God knows you well. It's also why it's so off-putting that Elihu literally steps in and starts judging. Like, c'mon man!

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