Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Psalm 119 (gimel)

Summary: The psalmist compares himself to a foreigner so far as his knowledge of the law is concerned: he needs help so he won't get himself in trouble. He knows those around him only plot to get him hurt, but God's statutes are like wise advisors, helping him stay on the right path.

Response: This is pretty good stuff. When I play a game like Civ V, the other nations rarely do anything that benefits me; most times, my generosity is taken advantage of and I am left with the choice to either give something valuable to a potential future enemy or make an enemy myself by refusing such a bad offer.

But God is here for our benefit. He couldn't love us any more or less, and He offers us the choice to love Him back. He's the One vulnerable here and we are the ones with the most to gain.

So help me, Lord, to seek Your will and ways, so I can be a better me.

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