Friday, August 11, 2023

1 Peter 2:4-10

Summary: Peter sets up a dichotomy or two: the world calls believers useless and unwanted, but God sees us as chosen and priceless. Jesus Himself is a stumbling block for those who do not accept Him, but the cornerstone and foundation for those who do. 

Response: We're moving a bit from perspective to action here. First, we're called to "offer spiritual sacrifices." Also, we're supposed to "proclaim the virtues" of God. I'm not sure at first reading what either of those looks like, and I'm going to go look it up. 


Okay, I'm back. How I understand it, or one way to understand it, the first part is wrapped in this idea that we are living stones, making a structure together. What we sacrifice is our independence. It's not much of a wall if the bricks keep changing around. But we gain being part of something more. 

The second one is very similar. We're in this arrangement not for our own glory, but to join our voices together in praise. In short, it's not about me, and not about us together, either. Lord, help me to give myself up more. 

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