Summary: After time in Galilee, Jesus heads back to Jerusalem. There's a spot there that people with afflictions come to try to be cured, and Jesus spots a man who's been trying almost forty years. Jesus, instead of picking the man up and carrying him to the sacred pool, tells him to stand up and walk instead. Which works great, except it's technically a Sabbath, when God's people are supposed to do no work. The Jewish leaders press Jesus on this, and He rebukes them:
- since He works doing God's work,
- since He judges according to belief, and
- since that day of judgement is impending,
- therefore it is in their best interest to put their faith in Him and not Moses, who himself would rebuke them and testify against them the same way.
Response: Testimony, is odd here, as Jesus takes it a step further, adding value to it. He doesn't take human testimony, and the leaders won't take His about Himself. I don't have specific turnaround-question examples here, though a lot of what Jesus tells the leaders needs unpacking.
Now then. First, Jesus certainly does travel. I'm not usually one to much care where something happens or when, but I know it does help eventually. Next, I feel less like a call to testify as to trust in who Jesus says He is.
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